I went to another machine and found out some more info.  This appears to be a 
random problem which makes it difficult to reproduce and track down.

Here is what I can summarize on the problem:

1) There isn’t a direct correlation to the Server UI window becoming 
unresponsive vs the delay process issue.  In some cases it correlates but in 
others it does not
2) Not sure there is a correlation to machine up time.  I’ve seen the problem 
occur on a machine that was up 158 days; not occur on a machine that was up 86 
days and did occur on a machine that was up 59 days
3) Not sure there is a correlation to database up time.  Different up times on 
different database - same results
4) I can confirm that I only see it between 4Dv15R5 and 4Dv16.0
5) My processes that just stop responding on all of the databases on all of the 
machines stopped responding on 10/15/17.  The databases have different up times 
when this occurs.

and for one more bit of randomness:

I have 2 server processes that do house keeping chores.  These are the 
processes I delay.  In all of the databases I’ve looked at so far, both 
processes stop on the same day.  in fact, all of the databases running on the 
machine stop on the same day - all except for 1 database.  In this database one 
of the processes stopped on 10/15/17 but the other one is still running.  Talk 
about random.  Riddle me that batman.



David Conley
By The Book, Inc.
Office: 815-234-7530
Direct Line: 815-406-5502
Fax: 815-234-7532

> On Oct 25, 2017, at 10:24 AM, BTB-David via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Interesting.  I did some more digging and here is what I’ve found.
> I have 13 Macs that run up to 10 databases on each machine of differing 4D 
> versions  (usually 4Dv13.4, 4Dv15R5 and 4Dv16.0) - all are 32 bit.  I focused 
> on 2.
> Machine 1 - uptime 158 days
> I have 10 databases running on this machine.  3 are running using 4D v13.4, 2 
> are running v15R5 and the other 5 are running v16.0.
> The ones running v13.4 are not having this issue.  All of the other ones are.
> Machine 2 - uptime 86 days
> I have 9 databases running on this machine.  3 are running 4Dv13.4 and 6 are 
> running 4Dv16.0.
> None of the 4Dv13.4 databases have the problem.   None of the 4Dv16.0 
> databases on this machine have experienced this problem.
> Jeff: I can confirm that the 4D Server UI monitor for graphs does stop 
> updating when this occurs.  On Machine 1, the only one that is working now is 
> the one I manually resumed the processes for.  On machine 2, all of the 
> graphs are working just fine.

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