We had to update a machine to Mac OS X Hi Sierra this week (cybersecurity 
mandate) on Tuesday of this week.
This machine runs as a web 'client' on 4D 15.4.
I have long standing controls in place to monitor the 4D application and keep 
it running.
Since the OS update, 4D is hanging at 3am every morning and is not recovering. 
I know this because my scripts are sending me email every 3 minutes that there 
is a problem. I have to manually reboot 4D every morning.

From what I can tell Power Nap is off on the machine:

$ pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
standby              1
Sleep On Power Button 1
womp                 1
autorestart          1
hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
powernap             0
gpuswitch            2
networkoversleep     0
disksleep            0
sleep                0 (sleep prevented by screensharingd)
autopoweroffdelay    28800
hibernatemode        0
autopoweroff         1
ttyskeepawake        1
displaysleep         30
standbydelay         10800
I have an external job that runs at 3am via launchd, but turned it off 
yesterday to see if it was causing the problem. We still had the problem this 
morning. I can also run that job manually while 4D is running and it doesn't 
cause problems.
When I accessed 4D this morning to reboot, I briefly saw a 4D error dialog that 
would make me think the source of the problem is in a 4Dprocess that writes a 
file to disk. That process is running now without problem. Unfortunately the 
dialog dismissed itself before I could write down details. Therefore, I suspect 
something is running at ~3 that is not letting 4D write that file.

I've dug through logs and looked at other system settings to see if the system 
is running something at that time, but haven't found anything.

Any ideas would be appreciated?

-- Brad

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