On Nov 5, 2017, at 4:25 PM, Perkins, Bradley D via 4D_Tech 
<4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> saw no value in running Apple's Server App. Even under OS X Server, I
> always ran Apache manually. I found that the Mac OS X Server's UI for
> managing web sites would often overwrite our custom configurations, e.g.,
> rewrite rules. I wasn't clear earlier but the 4D web server (Active4D)
> sits behind Apache and serves on on a high port. All requests go
> through Apache.

If you install Server app, you’ll want to look at creating a webapp plist. It’s 
pretty simple and allows you to hook in your additional configuration without 
modifying Server-created files that will be overwritten.

> many as the on-machine script notifications. However, I have the external
> monitor to stop sending notifications after a few failures. Actually,
> given that the machine is sending mail every 3 minutes from 3:01 am until
> I restart 4D it isn't totally asleep.

This would seem to indicate it isn’t related to OS sleep (i.e. things 
controllable with pmset). It could possibly be related to App Nap. Does 4D v15 
properl support App Nap? I’m not sure if there is a way to turn it off 

>       I think that this is a big part of the problem. Granted this has run
> reliably on past OS versions but I need to thoroughly retest this script.
> - It runs "killall 4D", but could be modified to kill the process. I just
> verified that  "killall 4D" worked at this time. After doing so, the
> auto-launch kicked in and restarted 4D.

The man page says the default signal sent by killall is TERM (15). You can see 
all signals by running “man signal”, but the short answer is that TERM will ask 
4D to quit, and KILL (9) will tell the OS to kill the process (basically a 
force quit).

>       Beyond all of the above, I would like to find out why this problem
> repeatedly occurs at 3am. If you've followed my earlier posts I do have a
> launchd job that runs at that time, but rescheduling it earlier did not
> move the problem to the earlier time. I even turned that job off for one
> night and that didn't prevent the 3am sleep. I grep'd all of my logs and
> could not find anything notable happening between 2:57 and 3:01.

But not every night at 3am, right? Is there consistency on the days of the 
week? Days of the month? 

This is a 4D client, maybe something is happening to the server or network at 
that time and the 4D client is losing it’s connection to the server?

Jim Crate

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