> Le 9 nov. 2017 à 06:10, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> a 
> écrit :
> Kirk,
> One trick for counting the number of characters is :
> $n:=length($text)
> $text:=replace string($text;$char;"")
> $n:=$n-length($text)
> That will work for your text file.

I use this instead:
  $text:=replace string($text;$char;"";*)  //that so magic little star…

But *don't use* 'Replace string' with versions older than v15 R3 where it's 
been re written, guaranteed wheel of death (if not crash). With those versions, 
a Position(...;*) loop to count $char is much better. Some code here:

Arnaud de Montard 

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