With regard to the issue I mentioned about defining object fields, I just did 
another field and it worked fine. Must have been something else going on with 
the empty data file.


> On Nov 24, 2017, at 8:39 PM, John Baughman <john...@hawaii.rr.com> wrote:
> Yesterday I found myself in need o dynamic Help Tips in list box cell cells, 
> so I downloaded and started working with v16R5 beta. The first thing that 
> happened is I started getting undefined errors. I think that unlike forever 
> in 4D, variables not defined either explicitly or implicitly, must be 
> declared in interpreted mode. Not sure but it looks like whatever the 
> compiler would complain about in this regardd, now throws an error when 
> running interpreted. For example…
>        SET QUERY DESTINATION(Into variable;$zeroEntryFound)
> If $zeroEntryFound is not typed with c_longint or zeroEntryFound:=aNumber you 
> will get a runtime error in interpreted mode.
> I don’t have a problem with this as even though I do not deploy compiled, I 
> make it a habit to always make sure that the structure will compile before 
> deploying. I am wondering, however, if this is a step forward or backward. It 
> has made it difficult moving from R4 to R5.
> I also ran into a typing error with the following when I opened a data file 
> where much of the data had not been entered yet…
>      If (Not(OB Is defined([_Constants]ProjectTaskDescriptions)))
>            [_Constants]ProjectTaskDescriptions:=New object
>      End if 
>    [_Constants]ProjectTaskDescriptions.taskdescriptions:=$colTaskDiscriptions
> The last line above throws an error saying that 
> [_Constants]ProjectTaskDescriptions is undefined. It worked in R4 where I 
> first populated the field, but after switching to R5 and opening a fresh 
> datafile where the field was not already populated, it threw the undefined 
> error. I did not pursue the issue as I reverted back to my populated data 
> file, but this looks like a bug to me. How then does one define an object 
> field?
> By the way. Dynamic Help Tips in List Boxes is really great! Very easy to 
> implement and is really slick in use.
> John
> John Baughman
> Kailua, Hawaii
> (808) 262-0328
> john...@hawaii.rr.com

John Baughman
Kailua, Hawaii
(808) 262-0328

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