
This is the first time I am going to use CALL FORM and CALL WORKER

I am going to convert a "Searchbox" mechanism where a user enters some 
characters and after 3 or more characters the search is started
This was done by a custom Timer mechanism implemented via a separate process 
and inter process arrays

I could call CALL FORM from within the "On After Keystroke" event of the search 
field, but there is a catch
The search isn't started right away after typing 3 characters, but waits for 1 
second to see if there are more characters typed

So, in the old way there is a method that adds a search request to the 
interprocess arrays and a process that handles the requests
However, after typing more characters within 1 second the request is reset and 
the 1 second waiting starts over again
If the 1 second passes the process calls the form with CALL PROCESS

It is this waiting part that is a problem for me to implement
I don't know how to do this with CALL FORM / WORKER

Does anybody know how to do this? Thomas Maul perhaps?



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