I might have something for you:

I wrote a component a few years ago to communicate with Exchange Web Services 
and it still works quite well.

The Manual is here:

http://manual.4d-exchange.com/doku.php <http://manual.4d-exchange.com/doku.php>

Sadly, NO Version 12, as it makes good use of C_Objects.
Also it is not possible to bring it to V12 without a huge amount of work, and I 
do not see that happening unless it’s paid for. Actually, I do not even have a 
V12 installed anymore!
I know, I know, hat it myself when people tell me to update, but nevertheless: 
Update :-)
V16 is a real and true progress compared to 12 or 13 or 14 or 15….
And that from someone who has been working with 4D since the late 80ies and who 
for good reason used to stay 2 versions behind, for my and my clients sake…
Feel free to contact me by PM.


> Am 07.12.2017 um 10:17 schrieb STARDATA via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>:
> Hey Neil, 
> Thank you for the response. What i was omitting to say is that i was looking
> for a solution for the v12 version of 4D and i'm dealing with a SOAP
> comunication.
> --
> Sent from: http://4d.1045681.n5.nabble.com/4D-Tech-f1376241.html
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