On Dec 13, 2017, at 11:28 AM, Paul Dennis wrote:

> I appreciate that 4d has got round to providing us with a tool bar. Can
> somebody please tell the designers who seem to rule the roost that we dont
> need great big icons and clunky fonts. What is the obsession ? Please can we
> have something like the original 4d write style.

You are provided all the source code and images. So you take what you like and 
replace what you don’t like. Or you can build your own completely from scratch.

That’s the beauty of how they have implemented 4D Write Pro. It is totally up 
to you to provide any interface you want with as much detail, or as simple as 
you think is best. This is just a starting point to provide an example of how 
to do that. And for the lazy ones that don’t want to spend any time on a custom 

If you want the original 4D Write style interface, you can easily create it 

I prefer this to the old way of 4D doing things where you took what they gave 
you and that was the end of it. I will take this example and remove some items 
that I feel my users don’t need to be burdened with.  And I will change the 
icons to colorized versions and a bit smaller. Then they will my the UI of my 
existing 4D applications.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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