Log files are invalidated after a compact prior to 4D v11. Your only choice is 
to make a new one after a full backup.  

> On Jan 4, 2018, at 12:50 PM, Lee Hinde via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Did any of those dialogs give you the option of creating a new log file?
>> On Jan 4, 2018, at 7:44 AM, Janie Marlow via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
>> wrote:
>> v2004, 10.6.8
>> Yesterday I compacted my databases' data file, something I had not done 
>> since v6 or before. Afterwards, when I opened the database, I was presented 
>> with a series of alerts:
>> * The correct Log file for this data file could not be found. Try to find 
>> it. If you cannot find the Log File, make a full backup of the data before 
>> creating a Log File.
>> * The Log File does not correspond to the data file.
>> * A Log File is necessary to use this database.
>> I experimented with renaming the data file, but I could not get past the 
>> alerts, so I ended up going back to using the uncompacted file.
>> I've searched the docs, and I cannot find any special instructions regarding 
>> compacting a data file when using a Log File.
>> It doesn't say anything about unclicking "Use Log File" before compacting, 
>> but is that what I should do?
>> or should I backup immediately before compacting?
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