> Le 4 janv. 2018 à 16:44, Janie Marlow via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> a 
> écrit :
> v2004, 10.6.8
> Yesterday I compacted my databases' data file, something I had not done since 
> v6 or before. Afterwards, when I opened the database, I was presented with a 
> series of alerts:
> * The correct Log file for this data file could not be found. Try to find it. 
> If you cannot find the Log File, make a full backup of the data before 
> creating a Log File.
> * The Log File does not correspond to the data file.
> * A Log File is necessary to use this database.
> I experimented with renaming the data file, but I could not get past the 
> alerts, so I ended up going back to using the uncompacted file.
> I've searched the docs, and I cannot find any special instructions regarding 
> compacting a data file when using a Log File.
> It doesn't say anything about unclicking "Use Log File" before compacting, 
> but is that what I should do?
> or should I backup immediately before compacting?

Hi Janie, 
not sure that this is the issue, could be… 

I've not found it in the docs, but I believe the journal path is stored in the 
.4dd file. So when 4D opens a .4dd that was journaled, it reads that path and 
then you have 2 possibilities:
A/ the journal is not found
4D alerts you and offers these choices:
  show 4d where it is (open dialog)
  create a new journal (create dialog)
  forget the journal
B/ journal is found
then 4d checks if 4dd/journal state are consistent, 2 possibilities (again):
  B1/ consistent -> all right
  B2/ not consistent -> alert, you must repair, open the MSC and so on - a kind 
of endless loop when you know you don't have to repair!!

If the 4dd has been compacted, supposing that:
- compacting makes journal inconsistent with 4dd (I don't know)
- the journal is still "visible" (valid path)
you may be in the B2 ugly situation. In other words (and to make it shorter…), 
try to find where is the journal, rename it, open the 4dd and see it it's 

Arnaud de Montard 

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