I have been using 4D Write Pro for quite some time now as an editor for E-Mails.
Porting the functionality I had before using 4d Write (mostly dynamic access to 
data) was quite simple.
Nevertheless, there is quite a lot missing for it to replace 4D Write for those 
who need a „real“ text editor.
4D Write has been ignored by 4D for ages and the new 4D Write Pro falls short 
on a lot of things.
On the other hand, functionality like 4D Write is used only ba a small 
percentage of developers, and I am quite baffled, that it is the only special 
functionality where no plugin developer has come up with something optional 
(OK, 4D Chart qualifies as well).
Could developing a Plugin like 4D Write with modern functionality really bee so 
difficult as not to be commercially viable?
I mean there are (huge) plugins for
- Reporting
- Drawing
- Scheduling
- GridTools
- Graphics
- etc
- etc

Come on you plugin developers, give us a real Word processing Plugin and there 
will be a market for it.
Sadly this kind of development is out of my league, or i’d do it.

My 2ct

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