
Thanks for the reply.

That tracks with the code that I put together after RTFM but no joy.

I'm hitting On printing break in the parent form but never hitting it in
the subforms. I can get a variable to print in the Break 0 area of the
subform but the Subtotal function returns 0.

Live and learn, eh?

Douglas von Roeder

On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 7:00 AM, Chip Scheide <>

> Doug,
> if you have subforms set to print variable frame you need need to make
> sure the 'Z' order is correct also, otherwise variable frame printing will
> not work correctly. I do not remember which way it is, but it is either:
> lowest (on the 4D from) is lowest and top most variable frame object is
> top,
> or
> vise versa.
> some code to help(?)
> only one level of break processing...
> you may need to have one more level of break processing set then you
> actually want.
> ie. : break level(3) for a 2 level break processing report, but that might
> be ancient history
> -- setup for printing --
> // clear sub and grand totals
> l_Animal_Grand_Total:=0
> l_Cage_Grand_Total:=0
> r_Cost_Grand_Total:=0
> l_Animal_Sub_Total:=0
> l_Cage_Sub_Total:=0
> r_Cost_Sub_Total:=0
> //locate records
> QUERY SELECTION([Cage_Counts];[Cage_Counts]Laboratory_ID=$Lab_IDs->{$i})
> // setup values to (sub)total
> ACCUMULATE([Cage_Counts]Number_of_Animals;\
> [Cage_Counts]Number_of_Cages;\
> [Cage_Counts]Daily_Cost)
> //set break level
> -- in the form method --
> : ($Form_Event=On Printing Break)
> l_Animal_Sub_Total:=Subtotal([Cage_Counts]Number_of_Animals)
> l_Cage_Sub_Total:=Subtotal([Cage_Counts]Number_of_Cages)
> r_Cost_Sub_Total:=Subtotal([Cage_Counts]Daily_Cost)
> l_Cage_Grand_Total:=l_Cage_Sub_Total+l_Cage_Grand_Total
> l_Animal_Grand_Total:=l_Animal_Sub_Total+l_Animal_Grand_Total
> r_Cost_Grand_Total:=r_Cost_Sub_Total+r_Cost_Grand_Total
> > Philippe:
> >
> > Agreed ― PrintList Pro has tons of features, including subtotaling and
> > PrintList
> > Pro is one of the reasons why I've haven't needed to use commands like
> > Print selection since the early 90's. The app uses AreaList Pro,
> > fortunately, but we weren't planning on adding PrintList Pro to the
> > application until "the next version". I may have to modify that part of
> the
> > plan if we can't use Print selection.
> >
> > "BTW AreaList Pro v10 also now provides break processing. I’ll show you
> at
> > the Summit." - I'm looking forward to that!
> >
> >
> > --
> > Douglas von Roeder
> > 949-336-2902
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 5:52 PM, Philippe Ganter via 4D_Tech <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Douglas, as you know PrintList Pro has offered this feature for ages.
> >> SuperReport Pro can do it, too.
> >>
> >> BTW AreaList Pro v10 also now provides break processing. I’ll show you
> at
> >> the Summit.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> --
> >> Phil
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 18 Mar 2018, at 00:51, Douglas von Roeder via 4D_Tech <
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I'm working on a legacy application that uses Print selection. The
> report
> >>> consists of the main page, which is populated by the values in the
> parent
> >>> table and uses a subform from the revenue table and a second subform
> from
> >>> the expense table to print related records. The goal is to print
> >> subtotals
> >>> for the expense and revenue records.
> >>>
> >>> Having not used print selection for a couple of decades, I approached
> the
> >>> task with some trepidation and was, unfortunately, not able to Break,
> >>> Accumulate, and Subtotal my way to victory.
> >>>
> >>> Based on the description I've provided, is it possible to do break
> >>> processing + subtotals on subforms using Print selection? If so, what
> is
> >>> the sequence of commands that are needed?
> >>>
> >>> I would sincerely appreciate any sample code that might shed some light
> >> on
> >>> this.
> >>> --
> >>> Douglas von Roeder
> >>> 949-336-2902
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> Hell is other people
>      Jean-Paul Sartre
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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