
the commands

is your question about the checkmark missing in the contextual popup menu?

SET PRINT OPTION is a printing command,
to change the document size of the Write Pro doc itself,
I think you need to INVOKE ACTION



INVOKE ACTION("pageSize?index=1";ak current form)

> 2018/03/21 19:30、Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> のメール:
> I use
> SET PRINT OPTION(Paper option;"A4")
> to set the page size to A4.
> But this doesn't seem to work.
> If I view the document that was created, go to
> Document->Page size
> No page size is selected.
> I choose A4 and the page size changes accordingly.
> BTW if I go again to Document->Page size, it still doesn't show which page
> size is selected.
> Likewise, SET PRINT OPTION(Orientation option;2) doesn't seem to have any
> effect.
> Am I doing this the wrong way?

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