On May 12, 2018, at 5:18 PM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 

> was it ever documented that "SET ENTERABLE(False)" should also render the 
> object invisible?
> 64-bit version of 4D on Mac is Cocoa, as opposed to 32-bit which is Carbon.
> The UI was recreated from the ground up, based on what the specification 
> (=documentation) dictates.
> Any undocumented or serendipitous, consequential behaviour would have been 
> eliminated in the process.
> (reason why one should not take too much advantage of undocumented behaviour)

This isn’t about undocumented behavior. In 32-bit mode SET ENTERABLE and OBJECT 
SET ENTERABLE only set the enterable flag, not the visibility flag. 

In 64-bit, OBJECT SET ENTERABLE and OBJECT SET VISIBLE work as expected for 
objects on a form. The problem is the behavior specific to 64-bit mode in a 
list subform when setting object enterability during On Display Detail. In 
these specific conditions, OBJECT SET ENTERABLE(field;false) makes some objects 
invisible and enterable.

> Also, 4D no longer draws pixels to create a bitmap of a list form, but rather,
> requests Cocoa to update sub views of the window view hierarchy,
> and lets the framework do its own optimisation to create the final result.

I guess this is why OBJECT SET ENTERABLE now behaves erratically in a list 
subform.  This is the only place in this structure where this functionality was 
used, so I guess it will be out with the subform and in with a listbox.

Jim Crate

>> 2018/05/12 15:11、Jim Crate via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> のメール:
>> I have a form with a list-only subform, with enterable in list checked, and 
>> no detail subform. Based on values in the records displayed in this subform, 
>> certain fields are set to be enterable or not by calling OBJECT SET 
>> ENTERABLE during On Display Detail. This works fine in 32-bit mode.
>> In 64-bit mode, fields set with OBJECT SET ENTERABLE(field;false), they 
>> become invisible, but if you click on them, the line switches to editing 
>> mode, the text becomes visible and the field is actually enterable.  Fields 
>> set with OBJECT SET ENTERABLE(field;true) display normally.
>> This happens with 4D 16.3 HF2 and HF3 on macOS. Has anyone run into this 
>> before and found a workaround other than using a listbox instead? I’ve tried 
>> using OBJECT SET ENTERABLE during On Display Detail both in a subform field 
>> object method and the subform’s form method.
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