Keisuke Miyako:

As usual, fantastic clear response. That explains it very well.



> On Jun 18, 2018, at 12:19 AM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech 
> <> wrote:
> Hello,
>> how to tell when a non-R version will have the features of an R-version.
> short answer is, when the version number changes and the "R" goes way.
> 16Rn and 16.x are different numbering systems, so it doesn't matter if n > R.
> 16.3 has the exact same features as 16.0 - nothing will be added until v17.
> in other words, features added in 16R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 all become available 
> with v17.
> this is to eliminate the possibility of introducing new bugs with new 
> features.
> unlike 16.x, which is already in production,
> 16Rn always go through a "beta" phase,
> during which developers are invited to report bugs specifically related to 
> new or modified features.
> only a manageable number of of features are added with each R release,
> accompanied with blog posts and sample code written by "product owners".
> the idea is to focus on features while they are still new (R beta) and unused,
> rather than address them later (when v17 comes out, for example).
> owners are assigned to work as communicators between 4D developers and the 
> engineering team.
> their role is to explain the usage and purpose of new features to the 
> community,
> as well as collect feedback from 4D developers during the beta phase to make 
> sure R releases are as stable as possible.
> that is why 4D publishes (blog and documentation) new features well in 
> advance of release.
>> 2018/06/12 22:13、Jody Bevan via 4D_Tech <> のメール:
>> I still have not wrapped my head around how to tell when a non-R version 
>> will have the features of an R-version. I have read the BLOG on it, and it 
>> does not go into that detail.
>> How can we know what are ‘feature’ equivalent?

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