On Jul 14, 2018, at 11:12 AM, Stephen J. Orth wrote:
> I'm struggling with designating a method to run on the server.  The method
> has 9 parameters which are passed to it:
>     1. Text Variable
>     2. Date Variable
>     3. Time (Long) Variable
>     4. Date Variable
>     5. Time (Long) Variable
>     6. Pointer To Array
>     7. Pointer To Array
>     8. Pointer To Array
>     9. Pointer To Array
> When the method is called and executed on the Server, I'm getting an error:
>     Accessing a parameter that does not exist

Is one of those arrays a pointer array? I’m guessing so, because that doesn’t 
work and results in that error message. A pointer to other array types works 
fine, but not a pointer array. Sorry.

It should work, since you can send pointers to an EoS method, but… it doesn’t. 
4D could probably make it work, but they haven’t.

Ben Kershaw
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