I was surprised that the following code tries to return null instead of 80:
$cTest:=New collection(100;200;Null;80) $lMin:=$cTest.min() I would have expected that a Null value in the collection would be ignored when looking for the minimum value. Is this what others are expecting or is this a bug? -- Cannon.Smith Synergy Farm Solutions Inc. Hill Spring, AB Canada 403-626-3236 <can...@synergyfarmsolutions.com> <www.synergyfarmsolutions.com> ********************************************************************** 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG) Archive: http://lists.4d.com/archives.html Options: https://lists.4d.com/mailman/options/4d_tech Unsub: mailto:4d_tech-unsubscr...@lists.4d.com **********************************************************************