Hi Michael,

Absolutely, dynamic footer variables are typed as text, but footer sum requires 
a numeric variable.

Changing the type of a dynamic variable does not work in compiled mode. Only 
changing the type of dynamic arrays.

Would be great if 4D would extend LISTBOX INSERT COLUMN with an additional 
optional parameter:

LISTBOX INSERT COLUMN ( {* ;} object ; colPosition ; colName ; colVariable ; 
headerName ; headerVar {; footerName ; footerVar} ) 

LISTBOX INSERT COLUMN ( {* ;} object ; colPosition ; colName ; colVariable ; 
headerName ; headerVar {; footerName ; footerVar};{footerDataType}) 

Allowing us to do something like this:

LISTBOX INSERT COLUMN ( * ; MyListbox ; 1 ; "Col1" ; $Nil ; "Header1" ; $Nil; 
"Footer1" ; $Nil ; Is Real)


||||      https://flury-software.ch/

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: 4D_Tech <4d_tech-boun...@lists.4d.com> Im Auftrag von mferguson--- via 
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Juli 2018 00:34
An: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>
Cc: mfergu...@myofficelink.com
Betreff: Re: Memory leak with dynamic variables in list boxes?


I converted it to use dynamic variables for the listbox columns insert, passing 
in nil pointers for the header and footer variables. It works great for regular 
columns but I can’t get it to work for footers.


LISTBOX SET FOOTER CALCULATION(*;Object name;listbox footer sum)

where the object name is either the column name or footer name, gives me 
incompatible type.

LISTBOX SET FOOTER CALCULATION(variable_Ptr->;listbox footer sum)

where variable_Ptr-> is a pointer to the the column name, column variable 
pointer, or footer

variable_Ptr:=OBJECT Get pointer(Object named;name returned by dynamic variable 
assignment obtained via listbox get arrays) gives incompatible type even though 
column is real or $ColumnPtr:=OBJECT Get pointer(Object named;column name) etc.

Footers are turned on in the listbox properties.

I can’t get any combination to work.

Seems like it should be simple, but I’m missing something.

I’d appreciate an example from anyone who has this working.


> On Jul 26, 2018, at 7:48 AM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Michael,
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 6:32 AM mferguson--- via 4D_Tech < 
> 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> We have a memory leak in our v15.6 Windows database and have narrowed 
>> it down to a listbox where the columns are dynamically added using 
>> The header and footer variables are nil pointers, in accordance with 
>> the documentation.
>> And to reference these variables for the assignment of properties, 
>> per the
>> documentation:
>> $FtrVar_P:=OBJECT Get pointer(Object named;FTR_Names_aT{$Ndx}) 
>> $HdrVar_P:=OBJECT Get pointer(Object named;HDR_Names_aT{$Ndx})
>> However, the get object pointer above returns nil pointers, so we 
>> can’t assign properties.
> ​I was just writing about using Listbox get arrays for this purpose 
> when I saw Olivier's post. I suggest this approach as well. ​
>> So, we set up our own variable manager that declares and reuses 
>> header and footer variables for the listbox, using execute formula.  
>> The variable manager has been tested and the number of variables for 
>> the form does not grow. However, the apparent search speed preceding 
>> the display gets slower and slower. The queries themselves are fast, 
>> but the re-display seems to be the culprit eating up memory.
> Using EXECUTE ... is probably not the best solution for what you are 
> attempting to do. ​4D is pretty good at managing these variables. It 
> sounds like you're working with 4D interpreted. There are a lot of 
> tricks you can get away with using Execute in an interpreted db that 
> fail if you plan on compiling it later.
> A few weeks ago another developer was having speed issues with 
> listboxes as well. In that case he was rebuilding the listboxes every 
> time there was a change and found the LISTBOX INSERT ARRAY command was 
> slow. When I build listboxes dynamically I handle the chores of 
> configuring the listbox (that is, inserting the columns, headers and 
> footers) and populating them independently. Changes in the data may 
> require a REDRAW command but usually not re-configuring the whole 
> listbox. The point is once he changed his approach he found the speed 
> issue disappeared and overall management was easier.
> --
> Kirk Brooks
> San Francisco, CA
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