Not at all true. The performance penalty is less, but still measurable.

To fix a table with orphaned blobs, export the data, truncate the table, and 
reimport. Nothing to really worry about, except that you can't do a simple 
compact without erroring out.

> On Jul 29, 2018, at 4:26 PM, JOHN BAUGHMAN via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> Note: Solid State Disk (SSD) drives do not face this challenge, so there is 
> actually no need to compact the data file on an SSD. In fact we recommend NOT 
> compacting the data file on an SSD because it contributes to drive wear. For 
> more information see Technical Note 10-09, SSDs and 4D v11 SQL.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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