I have a Web App running on the same machine as 4D Sever and all requests to 4D 
are done over localhost. I am currently displaying PDFs by having the Web App 
get the path to the pdf file from 4D then serve the file to it’s viewer in the 

This all works fine, but after some testing have found that it is significantly 
slower than serving the blob directly from 4D with WS SEND BLOB. I have only 
been able to get this to work if I make the request for the pdf directly from 
the browser, not via the Web App. In other words using the address bar of the 
browser or the HTML viewer of the Web App in the browser. The problem is that 
this exposes the request including the path to the PDF on the server. 

I need to have the Web App on the server make the request to 4D over local host 
then serve the PDF to the web app’s viewer in the browser.  The closest I could 
get to being successful was by having the web app create a simple web page with 
the returned data and send the page to the web app’s viewer in the browser…

//web app request
pdfBlob = socket1.Get(""+docPath, 
30) //send request to 4D
pdfBlob = EncodeBase64(pdfBlob,0)

//create the web page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<object data="data:application/pdf;base64,pdfBlob ” type="application/pdf" 
width="100%" height="675px">
//send the page to the viewer in the browser

//4D response:
$path:=Convert path POSIX to system(WebRequestGetFormField ("path"))            
DOCUMENT TO BLOB($path;$blob)
WEB SEND BLOB($blob;"application/pdf")

All I get, however, is “TESTING TESTING” followed by a grey block where the pdf 
would be displayed. It has been suggested to me that the problem may be 
encoding and the following was suggested for encoding the response…

pdfBlob = EncodeBase64(DefineEncoding(pdfBlob ,Encodings.UTF8),0). //still a 
grey block

Not completely understanding how encoding really works I am not sure how to ask 
this, but what encoding is 4D using to send the PDF blob. Or can somebody 
explain why this doesn’t work.



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