as others have correctly pointed out,
each sub-object or sub-collection you add to a shared object must themselves be 
shared objects or shared collection.

regarding object notation:

if you do something like

$a:=New shared object
$b:=New shared object("a";$a)

then there is no need to


you can simply


and the result will be the same (you save 4D from searching the object notation 

another subtle catch is related to grouping and singleness.

for example, the following would not work:

Use (Storage)

$a:=New shared object("a";New shared object("b";"whatever"))

Storage.a:=New shared object("a";$a)

End use

because by creating a cascaded shared object in the first line, you create a 
new group,
which can not transfer to a different group (Storage, in this case)

you have to procedurally group objects so that they don't transfer ownership.

Use (Storage)

Storage.a:=New shared object("a";New shared object("b";"whatever"))


End use

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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