Look at this posting from last week: 

The other docu you find on GitHub <https://github.com/elutz/vc-framework-v17>

And regarding the import feature: you can't import forms, it is implemented 
only for methods. But export works for both, methods and forms.
Another remark: The component is based on 
<https://github.com/4D/vc-framework-v14> by former 4D employee Josh Fletcher.


> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Re: 4D and Subversion
> So using Lutz Epperlein’s vc-framework is the same process?
> Thanks,
> Sandor Szatmari

Lutz Epperlein  
Agendo Gesellschaft für politische Planung mbH
Köpenicker Str. 9
10997 Berlin

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