
Thanks for the reply.

The issue in 4D (which I should have explained) is that, since 4D doesn't
report a click, I can't trap for the contextual click.

"SVG pictures offer a good way to see clicks.  You'll always get an
object's ID, and you can put almost anything in the picture."
Agreed, but I'd rather avoid rolling my own — I'm a believer in the idea
that "someone, somewhere has solved this issue so there's a solution out
I've also looked into using a button grid + graphic (not very
aesthetic) and there's always using On event call to trap the mouse clicks,
but that could present problems because resizing the tab control could make
the coordinates of each tab hard to determine.

And I did check to see if Miyako had done something magical to solve this
problem but no joy there.

Douglas von Roeder

On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 9:11 AM Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> A tab control will not report a click when the click is on the current tab
> "page", but Safari seems to work that way too (no reaction to a click on
> the current page's tab).  Clicking another of the tab's areas will generate
> a click.
> SVG pictures offer a good way to see clicks.  You'll always get an
> object's ID, and you can put almost anything in the picture.
> Keith - CDI
> > On Jan 21, 2019, at 10:51 AM, Douglas von Roeder via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
> >
> > I'd like to create an interface that mimics the functionality and
> > appearance of the tab control in Chrome or Safari.
> >
> > Given the functionality of the 4D tab control (once a tab is clicked, it
> no
> > longer reports mouse clicks) what are my options for building a highly
> > functional, tabbed UI?
> >
> > --
> > Douglas von Roeder
> > 949-336-2902
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