On May 14, 2019, at 5:29 PM, John J Foster wrote:

> 4D v17R4 Windows and Macintosh Stand alone and 4D Server
> I do not have an old 4D Write plugin only the new 4D Write Pro
> App upgraded from 4D 2012 to 4D V17
> I am working on the final v17 conversion piece migrating older 4D Write saved 
> in picture field to 4D Write Pro saved in object field. I am using the the 
> code from the component on the blog 
> "https://blog.4d.com/migrate-4d-write-documents-stored-in-picture-fields/#component”.
> However, as I watch the code in the debugger, this is what I see:
> $blob:=_Extract4W7From4DPicture ($1)
> If (BLOB size($blob)=0)
>       GET PICTURE FORMATS($1;$codecIDs)
>       If (Size of array($codecIDs)=1)
>               If ($codecIDs{1}=".pict”)
>               !!! // makes it to here so “knows” it’s a pict.
>                       $blob:=_Extract4W7FromMacPicture ($1)
>               !!! // returns an empty blob
>               End if 
>       End if 
> End if 
> Inside this routine "Extract4W7FromMacPicture ($1)” this line executes
> PICTURE TO BLOB($1;$blob;"PICT") 
> Always returns an empty blob even though $1 is a picture with a size like 
> 25ko.
> So not sure what;’s going on and why it doesn’t work.
> Does anyone have any experience with converting an older 4D Write saved in a 
> picture field into a 4D Write Pro object?

If you are trying to convert old PICT formatted imaged in 4D Write areas — 
which it appears you are trying to do — you will need QuickTime installed on 
your machine so that it can read the PICT format and put the picture into the 

Use PICTURE CODEC LIST to see if your machine has QuickTime installed and thus 
available for use. 


You may also have to reactivate QuickTime support with SET DATABASE 
PARAMETER(QuickTime support;…  to get it working.



Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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