
Hi. I had only seen mention of this new Project format in passing so I've just 
taken a moment to read both of those Blog posts. Certainly this an interesting 
new feature and sets 4D moving in the right direction for source control 
integration. I will have to find some time to play with this after my current 
v17 migration project is finished.

Narinder Chandi,
ToolBox Systems Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Penner <tpen...@4d.com>
Date: Friday, 2 August 2019 at 19:03
To: 4D Tech Mailing List <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>
Cc: Narinder Chandi <4dtechmailingl...@toolbox.uk.com>
Subject: RE: No Object Auto-Completion for 4D Commands?

    Hi Narrinder,
    > it to needs to shake off the legacy of storing everything in its own 
proprietary internal format in the structure
    > Hopefully things will improve but it will be a while I guess...
    Did you see the blog posts regarding the new Project format and how this 
opens up new possibilities with Source control?
    Timothy Penner
    Senior Technical Services Engineer
    4D Inc
    95 S. Market Street, Suite #240
    San Jose,CA 95113
    United States
    Telephone: +1-408-557-4600
    Fax:       +1-408-271-5080
    Email:     tpen...@4d.com
    Web:       www.4d.com

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