This is what I was trying to get at a few messages ago. Maybe WEB GET BODY PART 
does support chunked encoding, but that is irrelevant if the client side does 
not support it. As best I can tell from Jim's description is he is using a 
standard HTML multipart form with a file input. Javascript is not involved, so 
having this work depends on the browser's support for switching to chunked 
encoding. I don't know if web browsers directly support it or if there is some 
magic you can add to the form to request it. If not, there seem to be plenty of 
Javascript libraries that can do it. So then the task becomes redoing the form 
with the Javascript library instead of relying on the standard HTML form 

I found this Javascript example, which looks simple to implement.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

> On Jan 9, 2020, at 3:38 AM, Epperlein, Lutz (agendo) via 4D_Tech 
> <> wrote:
> I'm not sure if I understand your environment in which you would do that file 
> upload. As I mentioned before, I did some little testing with chunked uploads 
> using a web browser as a client and there a javascript library. At the server 
> side I use WEB GET BODY PART in conjunction with WEB Get body part count. I 
> was able to upload file up to 4 GB.
> It looks really simple:
>       For ($index;1;WEB Get body part count)
>               WEB GET BODY PART($index;$MimeBody;$name;$mimeType;$filename)
>               // do something with the chunk received in $MimeBody
>       End for
> If you use another client than a web browser you have to mimic the 
> appropriate request. Using 4D as a client shouldn't be a problem. Simply use 
> HTTP Request and build appropriate headers and body. 

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