Thanks for link John. I'll give it a look. I knew it needed more than HTML on
the browser's side just wasn't sure if 4D was then able to receive the


4D Tech mailing list wrote
> This is what I was trying to get at a few messages ago. Maybe WEB GET BODY
> PART does support chunked encoding, but that is irrelevant if the client
> side does not support it. As best I can tell from Jim's description is he
> is using a standard HTML multipart form with a file input. Javascript is
> not involved, so having this work depends on the browser's support for
> switching to chunked encoding. I don't know if web browsers directly
> support it or if there is some magic you can add to the form to request
> it. If not, there seem to be plenty of Javascript libraries that can do
> it. So then the task becomes redoing the form with the Javascript library
> instead of relying on the standard HTML form implementation.
> I found this Javascript example, which looks simple to implement.
> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
>> On Jan 9, 2020, at 3:38 AM, Epperlein, Lutz (agendo) via 4D_Tech <

> 4d_tech@.4d

>> wrote:
>> I'm not sure if I understand your environment in which you would do that
>> file upload. As I mentioned before, I did some little testing with
>> chunked uploads using a web browser as a client and there a javascript
>> library. At the server side I use WEB GET BODY PART in conjunction with
>> WEB Get body part count. I was able to upload file up to 4 GB.
>> It looks really simple:
>>      For ($index;1;WEB Get body part count)
>>              WEB GET BODY PART($index;$MimeBody;$name;$mimeType;$filename)
>>              // do something with the chunk received in $MimeBody
>>      End for
>> If you use another client than a web browser you have to mimic the
>> appropriate request. Using 4D as a client shouldn't be a problem. Simply
>> use HTTP Request and build appropriate headers and body. 
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