There are a bunch:

But we ended up using hmBarcode because the free fonts didn't work with new 
scanners that the client got.

> On Mar 20, 2020, at 9:26 AM, via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Someone knows some links of free font barcode?
> Thanks
> /Ferdinando/
> Il 20/03/20 12:23, ha scritto:
>> Send 4D_Tech mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of 4D_Tech digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. Re: Printing Listbox multiple pages (resolved) (John J Foster)
>>    2. Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>>       (Tim Nevels)
>>    3. Re: barcode (Bernd Fröhlich)
>>    4. Re: Gmail, LSA, and OAuth (Chuck Miller)
>>    5. Re: Gmail, LSA, and OAuth (Tom Benedict)
>>    6. Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>>       (Keith Goebel)
>>    7. Re: gitignore for projects (John DeSoi)
>>    8. Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>>       (Herr Alexander Heintz)
>>    9. Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>>       (Paul Dennis)
>>   10. Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>>       (Milan Adamov)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 09:44:21 -0700
>> From: John J Foster <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Printing Listbox multiple pages (resolved)
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
>> Hi All,
>> Never mind - unless you found something a bit easier…
>> I found an older JPR example (I think) and it was really easy!
>> Just change the code to something like this:
>> C_BOOLEAN(vOver;$ref)
>> If (ok=1)
>>      FORM LOAD("Timescan_print")
>>      vOver:=False  // Flag for cancel printing
>>      Repeat
>>              $ref:=Print object(*;"tscanChartInfo")
>>              vOver:=Print object(*;"lb_Timeline")
>>              If (Not(vOver))
>>                      PAGE BREAK
>>              End if
>>      Until (vOver)
>> End if
>> For all those who might need it in the future.
>> John…
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have an array based listbox of results that needs to be printed. I am 
>>> starting with simple code:
>>> If (ok=1)
>>>     FORM LOAD("Timescan_print")
>>>     $ref:=Print object(*;"tscanChartInfo")
>>>     $ref:=Print object(*;"lb_Timeline")
>>> End if
>>> But this only prints a single page (rows printed based upon listbox 
>>> height). Obviously I haven’t designed it to calculate and print multiple 
>>> pages yet and want to be efficient as I proceed.
>>> Before I stumble my way through this I have reviewed past NUG threads and 
>>> looked at Miyako’s and Keith’s examples But either, in Miyako’s case, it 
>>> creates random values on the fly but does create multiple pages, for 
>>> Keith’s example which stops at the size of the listbox.
>>> So do I need to create a series of form pages: Header, row lines, footer, 
>>> etc. and then print object and calculate or….
>>> Is there an easier way to manage array based listbox printing over many 
>>> pages?
>>> Does anyone have any sample code of printing multi-page array based list 
>>> boxes?
>>> Thanks,
>>> John…
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 14:44:11 -0500
>> From: Tim Nevels <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 2:00 PM, Alexander Heintz wrote:
>>> OsX is as much a UNIX flavor as we are basically primates.
>>> BSD split in 75 from UNIX and NEXTSTEP in 86 from BSD.
>>> don't know why, but AFAIK the MacOS is not suited for multiple concurrent 
>>> user sessions.
>> Good that you prefaced your statement with “AFAIK”, because you don’t know.
>> macOS has supported multiple simultaneous users on the same machine with 
>> each having their own U macOS Lion 10.7. So it’s been around for a long 
>> time. Very easy to use from one Mac to another using built in Screen Sharing 
>> application.
>> You can also do it from a Windows machine but you need to get the right VNC 
>> app that supports the new protocol and user login. VNC Viewer works.
>> Apple put a limit of 5 simultaneously connected users with macOS 10.13 High 
>> Sierra. Before that you could do many more if you had a powerful Mac — same 
>> as if you were doing this on Windows with Terminal Server.
>> Here’s a link with a lot of details, for those that want to know more:
>> Also, here are a couple of screenshots I took from my Mac Mini server 
>> running 10.13 with 2 Screen Sharing sessions active at the same time. Two 
>> users: “Administrator" and “Screen User” are configured. Just to show an 
>> example of how it works.
>> When you connect to a Mac with Screen Sharing you have to specify a user 
>> name and password. You can get the dialog box below if you are trying to 
>> connect with an account that it already knows. Just select another account 
>> to log in again with a new Screen Sharing connection:
>> Then you get the macOS login screen. Select the user account and enter the 
>> password. (You can save all this to the Keychain so you don’t have to double 
>> login every time.)
>> Here are the 2 sessions running side-by-side on my iMac Pro. Notice it is 
>> the same Mac Mini computer, but with two users. Each has it’s own Desktop, 
>> Dock and all that stuff.
>> It is super easy to set this up and use. A lot easier than doing the same 
>> thing on Windows with Terminal Server and using RDC. But then you would 
>> expect that since it is a Macintosh… right? 😀
>> Tim
>> *****************************************
>> Tim Nevels
>> Innovative Solutions
>> 785-749-3444
>> *****************************************
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 20:58:43 +0100
>> From: Bernd Fröhlich <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: barcode
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>> Chuck Miller:
>>> The only problem is creation of of bar code. I think hmbar code does all 
>>> types (128 etc) which are harder to do programmatically.  When I tried, I 
>>> was able to get 128 working on a Mac or a PC but not both. The coding seems 
>>> to have been slightly different
>> If you need a "Code 39" barcode then you can use the following method.
>> I adapted it out of a component by Thomas Maul and made it standalone.
>> It returns a picure that you can place on a form to print.
>> C_TEXT($1;$tCode)
>> C_LONGINT($2;$lScale)
>> C_PICTURE($0)
>> C_TEXT($tPattern;$t;$tSVG;$tLine;$tPoints;$tRef)
>> C_LONGINT($i;$x;$x2;$y;$y2;$lCount;$lHeight;$lWidth;$lBarwidth;$lScale)
>> $tCode:=$1
>> If (Count parameters>1)
>>      $lScale:=$2
>> Else
>>      $lScale:=1
>> End if
>> If ($Tcode#"*@")
>>      $tcode:="*"+$tcode
>> End if
>> If ($tcode#"@*")
>>      $tcode:=$tcode+"*"
>> End if
>> If (Length($tcode)>32)
>>      g4D_AlertErr ("Code zu lang!")
>> End if
>> $tPattern:=""
>> For ($i;1;Length($tCode))
>>      $t:=$tCode[[$i]]
>>      Case of
>>              : ($t="*")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001011011010"
>>              : ($t="0")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010011011010"
>>              : ($t="1")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101001010110"
>>              : ($t="2")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011001010110"
>>              : ($t="3")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101100101010"
>>              : ($t="4")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010011010110"
>>              : ($t="5")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101001101010"
>>              : ($t="6")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011001101010"
>>              : ($t="7")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010010110110"
>>              : ($t="8")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101001011010"
>>              : ($t="9")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011001011010"
>>              : ($t="A")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101010010110"
>>              : ($t="B")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011010010110"
>>              : ($t="C")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101101001010"
>>              : ($t="D")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010110010110"
>>              : ($t="E")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101011001010"
>>              : ($t="F")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011011001010"
>>              : ($t="G")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010100110110"
>>              : ($t="H")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101010011010"
>>              : ($t="I")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011010011010"
>>              : ($t="J")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010110011010"
>>              : ($t="K")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101010100110"
>>              : ($t="L")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011010100110"
>>              : ($t="M")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101101010010"
>>              : ($t="N")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010110100110"
>>              : ($t="O")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101011010010"
>>              : ($t="P")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011011010010"
>>              : ($t="Q")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010101100110"
>>              : ($t="R")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1101010110010"
>>              : ($t="S")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1011010110010"
>>              : ($t="T")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010110110010"
>>              : ($t="U")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1100101010110"
>>              : ($t="V")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001101010110"
>>              : ($t="W")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1100110101010"
>>              : ($t="X")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001011010110"
>>              : ($t="Y")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1100101101010"
>>              : ($t="Z")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001101101010"
>>              : ($t="-")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001010110110"
>>              : ($t=".")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1100101011010"
>>              : ($t=" ")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001101011010"
>>              : ($t="$")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001001001010"
>>              : ($t="/")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001001010010"
>>              : ($t="+")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1001010010010"
>>              : ($t="%")
>>                      $tPattern:=$tPattern+"1010010010010"
>>              Else
>>                      g4D_AlertErrCaseOf (Current method name)
>>      End case
>> End for
>> $tSVG:=DOM Create XML Ref("svg";"";)
>> $lHeight:%
>> $lWidth:=1*$lScale
>> $x:=1
>> $y:=1
>> $i:=1
>> $tpattern:=$tpattern+"X"  // end of code, to make looping easier
>> While ($i<Length($tPattern))
>>      $lCount:=0
>>      $tLine:=$tPattern[[$i]]
>>        // check if similar are following
>>      While ($tline=$tpattern[[$i+1]])  // we cannot go longer than the 
>> string, thanks to "X"
>>              $lcount:=$lcount+1
>>              $i:=$i+1
>>      End while
>>      If ($tLine="1")
>>              $y2:=$y+$lHeight
>>              $lBarwidth:=($lCount+1)*$lWidth
>>              $x2:=$x+$lBarwidth
>>              $tPoints:=String($x)+","+String($y)+" 
>> "+String($x)+","+String($y2)+" "+String($x2)+","+String($y2)+" 
>> "+String($x2)+","+String($y)
>>              $tRef:=DOM Create XML 
>> element($tsvg;"polygon";"style";"fill:black";"points";$tPoints)
>>      Else   //$tLine=0 // White, don't draw
>>              $x2:=$x+($lcount*$lWidth)+$lWidth
>>      End if
>>      $x:=$x2
>>      $i:=$i+1
>> End while
>> SVG EXPORT TO PICTURE($tSVG;$0;Copy XML data source)
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 16:50:47 -0400
>> From: Chuck Miller <>
>> To: 4DTechList Tech <>
>> Subject: Re: Gmail, LSA, and OAuth
>> Message-ID:
>>      <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii
>> what relay would you propose.
>> Regards
>> Chuck
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  Chuck Miller Voice: (617) 739-0306
>>  Informed Solutions, Inc. Fax: (617) 232-1064
>>  mailto:cjmiller<AT SIGN>
>>  Brookline, MA 02446 USA Registered 4D Developer
>>        Providers of 4D and Sybase connectivity
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> This message and any attached documents contain information which may be 
>> confidential, subject to privilege or exempt from disclosure under 
>> applicable law.  These materials are intended only for the use of the 
>> intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this 
>> transmission, you are hereby notified that any distribution, disclosure, 
>> printing, copying, storage, modification or the taking of any action in 
>> reliance upon this transmission is strictly prohibited.  Delivery of this 
>> message to any person other than the intended recipient shall not compromise 
>> or waive such confidentiality, privilege or exemption from disclosure as to 
>> this communication.
>>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 12:44 PM, Mike Kerner via 4D_Tech 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> or you can do this a different way - using a mail relay.  that way your 4d
>>> app doesn't have to be changed.  the relay accepts your smtp and then
>>> relays the message to google.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 13:57:52 -0700
>> From: Tom Benedict <>
>> To: 4D iNug Technical <>
>> Subject: Re: Gmail, LSA, and OAuth
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
>> I support a 4D app which currently uses Twilio send all 
>> outbound email.  While our email volume is modest Iaven’t run into any 
>> issues with it. Seems stable.
>> Tom Benedict
>>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 13:50, Chuck Miller via 4D_Tech <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> what relay would you propose.
>>> Regards
>>> Chuck
>>>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 12:44 PM, Mike Kerner via 4D_Tech 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> or you can do this a different way - using a mail relay.  that way your 4d
>>>> app doesn't have to be changed.  the relay accepts your smtp and then
>>>> relays the message to google.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 10:53:05 +1300
>> From: Keith Goebel <>
>> To: 4D Tech Mailing List Technical <>
>> Subject: Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> When I need to work from home, I connect my iMac to a PC at work using 
>> Splashtop.
>> It's just like sitting at the desk at work and it works great!
>> HTH, Keith
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 18:39:54 -0400
>> From: John DeSoi <>
>> To: 4D iNug Technical <>
>> Subject: Re: gitignore for projects
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii
>> Yes, it shows differences in whitespace near comments in the .4DCatalog file.
>> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
>>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 12:38 PM, Mike Kerner via 4D_Tech 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> did you diff the versions to see what changed in the .4dcatalog file?
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 10:14:51 +0100
>> From: Herr Alexander Heintz <>
>> To: 4D iNug Technical <>
>> Subject: Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
>> Thanks Tim,
>> live and learn…
>> Will look into this over the weekend.
>> Cheers
>> Stay safe
>> Alex
>>> Am 19.03.2020 um 20:44 schrieb Tim Nevels via 4D_Tech 
>>> <>:
>>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 2:00 PM, Alexander Heintz wrote:
>>>> OsX is as much a UNIX flavor as we are basically primates.
>>>> BSD split in 75 from UNIX and NEXTSTEP in 86 from BSD.
>>>> don't know why, but AFAIK the MacOS is not suited for multiple concurrent 
>>>> user sessions.
>>> Good that you prefaced your statement with “AFAIK”, because you don’t know.
>>> macOS has supported multiple simultaneous users on the same machine with 
>>> each having their own U macOS Lion 10.7. So it’s been around for a long 
>>> time. Very easy to use from one Mac to another using built in Screen 
>>> Sharing application.
>>> You can also do it from a Windows machine but you need to get the right VNC 
>>> app that supports the new protocol and user login. VNC Viewer works.
>>> Apple put a limit of 5 simultaneously connected users with macOS 10.13 High 
>>> Sierra. Before that you could do many more if you had a powerful Mac — same 
>>> as if you were doing this on Windows with Terminal Server.
>>> Here’s a link with a lot of details, for those that want to know more:
>>> Also, here are a couple of screenshots I took from my Mac Mini server 
>>> running 10.13 with 2 Screen Sharing sessions active at the same time. Two 
>>> users: “Administrator" and “Screen User” are configured. Just to show an 
>>> example of how it works.
>>> When you connect to a Mac with Screen Sharing you have to specify a user 
>>> name and password. You can get the dialog box below if you are trying to 
>>> connect with an account that it already knows. Just select another account 
>>> to log in again with a new Screen Sharing connection:
>>> Then you get the macOS login screen. Select the user account and enter the 
>>> password. (You can save all this to the Keychain so you don’t have to 
>>> double login every time.)
>>> Here are the 2 sessions running side-by-side on my iMac Pro. Notice it is 
>>> the same Mac Mini computer, but with two users. Each has it’s own Desktop, 
>>> Dock and all that stuff.
>>> It is super easy to set this up and use. A lot easier than doing the same 
>>> thing on Windows with Terminal Server and using RDC. But then you would 
>>> expect that since it is a Macintosh… right? 😀
>>> Tim
>>> *****************************************
>>> Tim Nevels
>>> Innovative Solutions
>>> 785-749-3444
>>> *****************************************
>>> **********************************************************************
>>> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
>>> Archive:
>>> Options:
>>> Unsub:
>>> **********************************************************************
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 9
>> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 02:32:39 -0700 (MST)
>> From: Paul Dennis <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Install the server as administrator then install the client on the server
>> machine but login as user using the user profile of each user. Make sure you
>> have enabled remote desktop server And have setup access file in the
>> firewall. Start the 4D client and connect to the server whilst logged in as
>> that user. This is all on the same server instance in the cloud.
>> The user then connects via RDP logs in and a session is started on the
>> server and he can start his local version of 4D client and use as normal.
>> This is the process on Windows It's very straightforward.
>> I have also set up direct access from remote users to the server. Since
>> version 15 using 4D client over WAN works fine providing the network latency
>> is not too bad. The new network layer improves this quite a lot but you can
>> still use the legacy one.
>> Paul
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 10
>> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:23:05 +0100
>> From: Milan Adamov <>
>> To: 4D iNug Technical <>
>> Subject: Re: Remote working with 4D networks - what are people using ?
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii
>>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 12:34 PM, Herr Alexander Heintz via 4D_Tech 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Complete lack of a remote terminal solution for Macs is the primary reason 
>>> why most businesses have switched to Windows in the last 8-10 years.
>> Not true, since Mac OS X Lion built in screen sharing can be used to do 
>> this. No licenses required.
>> Milan
>> ------------------------------
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> **********************************************************************
>> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
>> Archive:
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>> **********************************************************************
>> ------------------------------
>> End of 4D_Tech Digest, Vol 154, Issue 34
>> ****************************************
> **********************************************************************
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> Archive:
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> **********************************************************************

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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