Hi All,

Sorry for the resend …

4D v17.2 64bit Windows
Windows 10 Pro

We have some reports that are run in a batch overnight. Have to because they 
take that long to run all of them. Anyway, since we’ve upgraded from Windows 7 
to Windows 10 there have been I’m guessing timeouts on some of these larger 

The report is running along and then we get the error: "executing the method 
“EXP_CumulativeClaims” at the lilne number 63. The .txt document cannot be 
written. File not found.”

This is line #63:
SEND PACKET($fileRef;$packet)

It varies when it quits. It’s usually saved to a network drive and IT says 
nothing is happening to disrupt the connection. And there are other reports 
where this happens as well.

The text file report size - when it works - is large:

Reserve file: 831,801kb
Claims file: 26,959kb

So these reports were created way back in 2004. The number of records has grown 
dramatically over the years. Reserves is up beyond 2.3 million records.

Is it possible that this is a client-server timeout issue? If so, how to fix?

Clients IT claims the network drive is always available. Is there a way to 
“know” for sure and test each time?

Is there a way to capture debug info which might reveal the cause? Would 
logging using 4D’s component help?

Would it be helpful and speedier to redesign the reports so they are not 
sending out each row but maybe save each row to a text variable, say 100 or 
1000 rows and then send packet?

We are open to all ideas.


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