Alan Tilson wrote:

>I'm having a record locking problem where I cannot understand how the
>record is staying locked. There is no open transaction and no record stack
>(Push Record).

It could be that the process on the server (the one the trigger runs in) still 
has it loaded in a locked state. To test this, create a method with the 
“Execute on Server” attribute set, and call UNLOAD RECORD from that method. 
Call the method from the client when you close the edit window; the method will 
run in (what is known as) the “twin” process on the server and free the record.

When a new process starts, all tables are in a read/write state, and any 
records loaded will be locked to other processes/users. I run a standard init 
method for new processes that sets all tables to read only, and also runs a 
method on the server that does the same thing for the “twin” process.

Ben Kershaw
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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