Am 14.01.2021 um 08:55 schrieb Jörg Knebel via 4D_Tech <>:
>> On 14 /01 /2021, at 18:42, Graham Langley via 4D_Tech <> 
>> wrote:
>> I find it odd that a subset of developers on this "forum" is a good thing.
> Let time be the judge of that.

Well, actually in my opinion there is nothing to judge here…

As already stated we are just a few, and splitting that small group by forming 
one rogue tiny group is not helping anyone, neither us, nor them.

So no, splitting off is not a good idea.

Also, the iNug is NOT a „safe space“ insofar, as 4d is (or at least used to) 
monitoring this. Also, I have yet to notice any instance of aggressive 
moderation on the new forum by 4d, and believe me, I would have noticed, being 
somewhat on the aggressive side towards 4d from time to time.

So in short:
I see no compelling case whatsoever for continuing to use the iNug, your 
mileage may vary.
Try to change my mind 

>> I love the discuss site,
> No one forces you to participate here!

A tad agressive, are we? :-)

>> We should also welcome "smart-arse newbies”.
> This would heavily depend on the kind of the newbies.

Well, as already stated, we all were at some point, an I mean WE ALL dear Jörg 
As you well know, it takes a few years under the belt to become a good 
programmer, knowledge of theory and langauge and algorythms does not make you a 
good programmer.

> Pretty sure we've all whined in the past about the
>> lack of new developers.
> Are we talking about quality or quantity only?

Well, for current lack of quantity, we can only hope for quality…

SMile everyone


> Cheers
> Jörg
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