Hello friends!

It's friday, that means it's once again the end of the week, and time to hang 
out with beer/tea/whatever. 

Let's do Workadventure[1] again - some people had strong reactions to it on 
Tuesday :).

Come join us here at or after 8pm:

If you can't join workadventure for whatever reason, ask in irc and I'll give 
you the direct link to the Jitsi :)

If you want to hack on the map, fork it [2], download Tiled[3] from your 
nearest repo and shoot me a PR or ask to join the organisation!

[1] https://workadventu.re/
[2] https://github.com/scottishconsulate/scotconmap/
[3] https://www.mapeditor.org/

57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
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