Hi all

Thanks to folks who donated time around Tues to help sort and tidy. That
includes wiki-tidying thats taken place also. A number of 'requests for
comments' have surfaced since, so I thought I would pass them on the mail
list for membership consideration.

Firstly, there was general feeling that members should not add warning
labels to project/items that are not their own - even if intended to be
'deerocrat' humorous. They should instead ask the owner (if known) to label
themselves or even better to document their item on the wiki. As a side
note, the wiki has a growing project section for this so consider adding
your own projects here too, especally if they are stowed outside your box
due to their size. If there is missing documentation off/online, the owner
is not known or he/she disagrees with your request, ask for comments from
the maillist, or via a director if you wish to be anonymous. If you have
immediate safety concerns, simply isolate/make safe and make contact asap.

Secondly, at least one member is keen to draw attention to large items that
are stored in the space. A page for this now exists off the wiki's Storage
page, together with a Trashing page. An item in apparent storage has many
attributes, size is one and usefulness, popularity are others. Space is
limited and size is quick to rate so I believe a page of large items is
useful to stimulate group chats around these other attributes. Size alone
is not cause for a single member to issue warnings/deadlines but is great
to launch discussion.

Finally, Trashing. If something that takes up space is unclaimed,
persistently unsafe or just not wanted then it should be considered for
trashing. A wiki page now exists for listing these items and I hereby
volunteer to transport items via van to waste at regular intervals. It was
tentatively suggested that some time during the last Tuesday of the month
should be devoted to tidying and sorting. I have gone on to add that maybe
that day's Tuesday announce emails should call attention to the 'large
item' and 'trashing pages' for the membership to check and maybe claim.

We have evolved most of our current space practices by collecting comments
until objections cease. Please voice your opinions to the above to help us
dial it in right.

57north-discuss mailing list

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