Robin Gareus wrote:
> rosea grammostola wrote:
>> rosea grammostola wrote:
>>> Robin Gareus wrote:
> [..snip..]
>>>>>>> BTW First test result of your kernel
>>>>>>> kernel panic - not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs on 
>>>>>>> unknown-block
>>>>>>> (0,0)
>>>>>> Thanks for trying.
>>>>>> Do you have "do_initrd=yes" in /etc/kernel-img.conf ?
>>>>>> If not, run `sudo update-initramfs -k 2.6.31-rt10-multimedia -c`
>>>>>> followed by `sudo update-grub`
>>>>>> If you have an initrd (required to load both filesystem and disk 
>>>>>> kernel
>>>>>> modules during boot-time); please tell us what hardware your machine
>>>>>> has:  `lspci -v` and what modules are loaded on the 
>>>>>> 2.6.29-1-multimedia
>>>>>> kernel `lsmod`.
>>>>> I don't have that kernel installed...
>>>> Did you have an initrd for 2.6.31-rt10 when the kernel panic happened?
>>>>> # lspci -v                             
>>>>  [... snip...]
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Your hardware (including wifi) is supported by 2.6.31-rt10-multimedia.
>>>> The error "unknown-block (0,0)" could mean that
>>>>  a) the kernel module for your 82801 (ata_piix) is not loaded
>>>>   -> missing initrd ; create it
>>>>  b) hda1 is not your root device.
>>>>   -> specfify root=/dev/XXX  on the kernel commandline or in
>>>>   /boot/grub/menu.lst
>>>> (b) is unlikely since you are able to boot other kernels, with the same
>>>> grub defaults (unless you did some customization yourself of course)
>> for a)
>> # Kernel image management overrides
>> # See kernel-img.conf(5) for details
>> do_symlinks = yes
>> relative_links = yes
>> do_bootloader = no
>> do_bootfloppy = no
>> do_initrd = yes
>> link_in_boot = no
>> postinst_hook = update-grub
>> postrm_hook   = update-grub
> OK. That should create an initrd just fine. But is it created without
> errors? There's still plenty of reasons why it may fail..
> Is /boot of your 64studio installation actually used by grub? (ie you
> may have grub and /boot from an other Linux installation (dual boot) on
> the same machine).
> Is there any Log message before the "unknown-block (0,0)" Panic message
> that provide clues on why it fails?
> Is there a message about the disk(s) and partitions being detected?
> Did you specify a root=/dev/[hs]da[0-9] parameter in /boot/grub/menu.lst
> Maybe older/other kernels use SCSI emulation hda vs. sda?
>> b) other kernels boots ok, custom changes
> It does not seem to be a general problem with the 2.6.31-rt10-multimedia
>  more like some installation/setup edge-case.
I use the kernel on Debian. I have Windows on my first partition, and 
then a root (/) and home partition for Debian. I also use grub2.

No panic messages

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