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Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Gustin Johnson wrote:
>> Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> I know, I only need to use Google, read and fix what's wrong. But
>>> I hope a 3.0 release version is better than the beta version.
>> Are you serious?  Do you know what beta means from the perspective
>> of a software release?

> Hardy isn't beta, so PPPoE etc. should be easy to use and not to be 
> something that needs to be set up with each boot.
You were talking about the 3.0 beta.  In fact your words: "But I
hope a 3.0 release version is better than the beta version".

>>> A multimedia distro should be fine with standard multimedia 
>>> applications, but the beta isn't.
Which *standard* multimedia applications?  Amarok?  Audacity?  Ardour?
mplayer?  If you find an application that does not work as expected, at
the very least fill out a bug report.  If you take no action you should
expect no action to be taken on your behalf.

>> I think you are confusing standard desktop app with multi-media 
>> *production* applications.  Neither tunapie nor Firefox use jack. 
>> Tunapie is also not part of a standard install.  It is also not an 
>> officially supported package, but is instead a community maintained
>>  package.  If it does not do what you want or need it to do, then
>> your choice is to fix it yourself, pay someone to fix it, convince
>> someone to fix it.  In the end it boils down to taking
>> responsibility for your own experience.
> Or people like me simply use other distros that are fine with PPPoE, 
> flashplayer and packages like TunaPie if 64 Studio stays that new

That is perfectly acceptable.  You are making the best choice for you,
which only you can do.  If that choice is 64Studio, some other distro,
Windows, or even MacOS it does not matter.  What matters is that you
take responsibility for your own experience.  It is all in your hands.

> way. But I don't think you are the distro, you seems to be just one
> of those nerds who won't to keep everything complicated. I think I
> know the reason for this, but this is OT.
I don't think you know me as well you think you do.  I do not want
things to be needlessly complicated.  They should be as complicated as
they *need* to be, no more and no less.

> If you produce, you also need to know if it's fine with consumer 
> applications. Multimedia means multimedia.

You might be right here.  The line between producer and consumer is
blurring.  Of course I do not expect volunteers to make sure that the
thousands of possible applications that could be run work as expected,
especially an app from the "universe" or "multiverse" repositories.  In
your case, if there is a problem with Tunapie, you could join the Ubuntu
MOTU group and make sure it gets fixed, or use a different distro.  The
choice is still yours.

Of course there may be a lot of tunapie users here, in which Daniel and
Free may decide to fix it themselves.  The only way to be *sure* is take
control of its destiny yourself.

> I hope suggestions are still welcome. I hope this still is a user
> list.
I have seen nothing to indicate that this is not the case.

>> There are compromises depending on what you want your system to do.
>>  This is also true of Windows btw.  If I want real low latency you
>> have to disable the Win2000/XP HAL, of course system stability and
>> IRQ management suffer, but it all boils down to figuring out what
>> you need and then taking responsibility to make it happen.
> I didn't do that for Windows and never heard of such low latencies
> for Envy24 cards with Linux from anybody. You're writing pure
> nonsense. And

This is not envy specific, but my last Windows based DAW had this
problem.  It is well documented, you may wish to look here:

> what has got Windows to do with Linux troubles? I guess Ubuntu is a

All I am saying is that there is always problems, regardless of the
platform.  Find the solution that best fits your needs.  Period.

> worse distro, a lot  is fine with 64 Studio 2.1, that should be fine 
> with Hardy too, e.g. a working flashplayer-nonfree package, PPPoE.
I would expect nothing to get better with non-free applications in the
Debian world.  I have never used PPPoE so I have no idea what state it
is in.  This might make for a good bug report.

>>> Right now I just want to watch a YouTube link a friend sent me, I
>>>  don't want to set up my Linux. Some days ago I just wanted to
>>> listen a radio
>> Then use a Desktop orientated distro.  Or perhaps Linux is not for
>> you. Either way, figure out what you need/want from your computer,
>> then find a solution that works.  It may be Linux, it may not be.
>> The choice and the responsibility are yours.
> I don't have any scared cows. At the moment Suse 11.0, 11.1 and 64 
> Studio 2.1 Etch and Lenny are fine for most work and Windows XP is
> fine for music productions, so I have got everything I need. I still
> wish to help to get 64 Studio 3.0 a distro that is fine for my needs
> too and maybe for the needs of other people that have different needs
> to you.
> Why are you always so aggressive ;)?
That is a very inaccurate reflection of my behaviour.

I also subscribe to a lot of the same lists as you and my responses are
no where near being the most aggressive responses you have received.  A
related question might be why do you provoke such a strong reaction from
many different people?
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