HI Ralf
Thanks for the mail.
Had a think and decided vocals had to go!

Try these in Getting Free:

Link here:




On 17 March 2010 12:19, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

>  Hi All
>> Taken on board what has been said here.
>> Please take a listen now and see what you think.
>> Have also mastered the track in Jamin
>> http://www.projectoverseer.biz/BluesLSD/
>> Cheers
>> Bob
> Hi Bob :)
> I'm sorry, but I guess "Getting Free" nearly is beyond recovery. Sometimes
> this kind of shit happens. I'm still not fine with the mastering. Perhaps
> the brasses needs to be louder and maybe you have to completely record the
> vocals again. Just my 2 cents.
> If I would try to remaster "Getting Free", I would mix the instrumental
> backing with the vocals kept in mind and after this I would try to add the
> existing vocals, but I  fear you need to sing it again. I might be
> completely wrong, because I don't know the raw material.
> At the moment I'm in a completely different musical phase of life. I'm
> ogling most of all with avant-garde jazz, something that nearly can't be
> mixed wrong, because there are less expectations for the final mixing. For
> your song "Getting Free" I do have expectations for the mixing. I'm
> comparing it with common mixing styles for this kind of music. Perhaps you
> like to break the mould. If I were you, I wouldn't do this for this kind of
> music.
> And now a note to "Too Old Too Soon". Sounds like West Coast, similar to
> Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young and Crazy Horse. A hard contrast to the music of
> a jazz musician I visited at the weekend and to the music I prefer for my
> musical phase of life, but I like "Too Old Too Soon" very much. IIRC this
> song wasn't there when you first posted the link. I like it very much.
> Please, can I get a FLAC or WAV for private listening? If so send it to me
> off-list. I like the composition, arrangement and mixing.
> Btw. the musician I visited, Achim Jaroschek [1], has got a Kurzweil PC2
> with similar good B3 sounds, like you are playing in "Too Old Too Soon".
> What keyboard does your keyboarder use? Is it a Kurzweil PC2 too? I'm asking
> because I noted that for the very good sound there's the click missing.
> Achim's Kurzweil's B3 sounds do have a click when playing singlelines or two
> notes simultaneously, but when playing 3 or more notes the click gets lost.
> This is very annoying. I'm not missing the click in "Too Old Too Soon", I
> just noticed that there seems to be no click too, but it's ok for this song.
> Cheers!
> Ralf
> [1] Anybody in Leipzig today?
> Concert announcement: Achim Jaroschek/ Piano -- Holger Ehling/ Reading
> Mediencampus Villa Ida
> Poetenweg 28
> 04155 Leipzig
> The concert and reading starts 19:30 03/17/2010. I guess the reading will
> be on German.
> I won't be at the Leipzig Book Fair, I stay in our home town Oberhausen,
> Ruhrpott, Western Germany, but I recommend to visit this concert. Achim is a
> very gifted exceptional talent, among others he played with Peter Brötzmann,
> Günter "Baby" Sommer, Mani Neumeier and Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky.
> http://www.jaroschek.com/
> Achim (piano, keyboards and drums) is open minded, I dunno, but I'm nearly
> sure he would like to talk with musicians and anybody else listening to this
> concert. He not only plays Brötzmann stylish, but also ... hm? ... I would
> say sometimes it reminds me to the more melodic music of Art Lande, who also
> is a pianist and drummer, but this might be just my impression.
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