On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 09:40 -0400, Larry Troxler wrote:
> I don't remember seeing 3.3 on the download sites, but then again I 
> wasn't specifically looking for it. I think I might as well try it.


I found


and there it's written that it's available at


I do agree that it#s not good to hide it that way.

> But I assume by "desktop" software you mean things like windows 
> managers, email software, web browsers, fancy graphics and the like?


> The music box doesn't need a fancy windows manager. In fact I'm puzzled 
> why 64studio uses gnome by default, although it's probably one of the 
> cases where it would be too much work to eliminate it.

I prefer GNOME. Btw. 3.3 alpha is using LXDE.

> > IMO Rosegarden is obsolet. Qtractor or Ardour3 are the new MIDI
> > sequencers and perhaps Muse, if it should run on your machine.
> WHOA! Rosegarden is obsolete??

Not really. Especially if you wish to edit sheet music Rosegarden might
be the better choice.

I never tested Ardour3 myself. Most of the times I'm using Qtractor.
It's needed to compile Qtractor from SVN, because it doesn't be in its
infancy. You still might prefer Rosegarden, but note that usage of hr
timer will freeze Rosegarden, resp. the complete Linux. Qtractor can be
used with hr timer and IMO it's important to get PCs closer to hard
real-time when using external MIDI devices. For my needs PCs still have
to much MIDI jitter or some kind of sync issue for doing audio
recordings of external MIDI devices controlled by a Linux MIDI



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