Hi Nicola,
I want to confirm my understanding first. 
Your proposal is to introduce a new 6P message, i.e. 6P ACK message, into a 
transaction, then the sequence of a original 2-way ADD transaction will be: (1) 
node A SF0 sets "adding TX cells" OPEN, and 6top layer sends ADD request to 
nodeB(2) node B 6top layer receives ADD Request, SF0 sets "adding RX cells" 
OPEN, and 6top layer sends ADD Response to node A(3) node A 6top layer receives 
ADD Response, SF0 adds TX cells and sets "adding TX cells" CLOSED, and 6top 
layer sends 6P ACK to node B(4) node B 6top layer receives 6P ACK, SF0 adds RX 
cells and sets "adding RX cells" CLOSE.
Is my understanding correct? In addition, the proposed scheme will not need 
Timeout. Is it what you mean?
But, I still think the scheme can not avoid a Timeout. Otherwise, how node A or 
node B can stop a Failed transaction if something happens?

    On Saturday, October 29, 2016 2:18 PM, Nicola Accettura 
<nick.accett...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Diego, all,

the timeout obviously must start when the ack is received. I agree in total.

Though, you still need to get the timeout proportional to TXATTEMPTS and also 
to the maximum backoff window. Why?

Call A the node that is requesting cells, and B the node that is asked for 
cells. Node A sends a request and gets a mac layer ack from B. A starts the 
timeout. B sends a packet, but it's lost. Sends another packet and it is 
lost... until the last attempt which is successful: B gets a link layer ack 
from A. So B allocates cells as RX.

This confirms that the timeout should be proportional to TXATTEMPTS. And to the 
maxium backoff window. If there is only one shared cell, according to 
'minimal', the timeout is proportional also to the slotframesize. If some 
implementation considers more than one shared cell per slotframe, the timeout 
can be smaller. At this point, I would say that the unity of measure of the 
timeout should be the number of executed shared cells, so that the timeout can 
be safely be proportional just to the product of TXATTEMPTS and the maximum 
backoff window.

Yes, this causes to have a very long timeout, with possible (and actually 
frequent) desynchronizations. Especially when the network is forming, all nodes 
will ask for dedicated cells, many 6P packets will get lost. Keepalives will be 
triggered, but this worsen the situation. Everything is very very bad.

Is that possible to have a shorter timeout?

My answer is 'yes'. But we need something else: a 6P ACK.

In fact, assume that A sent a request, B acked at MAC layer. Then B (maybe 
after many tries, if the responses have been lost, and this is possible in the 
'minimal' shared cell due to collisions in big networks) is finally able to 
send an answer that is correctly received by A and A sends an ack at mac layer. 
B adds cells as RX and expects A to open the same cells as TX. 

'Good!' one would say. 

Wrong! Node A has acknowledged at MAC layer the correct reception of the answer 
by B but will process the 6P packet after that. If the timeout is too short, 
that packet will be considered out of time. And the TX cells will not be 
allocated. With some RX cells open on node B.

One can think of a timeout to garbage collect on B. But I'm not sure this would 
be very efficient, there's the probability of false positive.

A 6P ack would make the 6P negotiation reliable. B can 'half' open the RX side 
after receiving the mac layer ack from A. A will open the TX side after sending 
the mac layer ack, it the 6P response was in time. It will send the 6P ack 
possibly in the newly created dedicated cell, so decongesting the shared cell 
of 'minimal'. If B receives the 6P ack, it will be sure that the RX side is 
open completely without possible impairment with the node A schedule knowledge.

Instead, if the 6P response was out of time, A will not send any 6P ack, will 
not open the TX side. B will not receive any 6P ack within a timeout (that can 
be the same length as that starting on the A side after the reception of the 
mac layer ack to the request packet) and when that expires will delete the RX 
cells that were 'half' opened.

With this, it is not possible to get suspicious cells allocations on the RX 
side. There's still the possibility that a TX side is open with the RX side not 
open. But for that, 6P or SF will manage a relocation.

Think about the 6P packet as the third part of a 3-way-handshake.

Of course, it's obvious that I'm strongly in favor of a 6P ack definition, more 
than having a big timeout.

Does it make sense?


2016-10-29 18:44 GMT+02:00 Prof. Diego Dujovne <diego.dujo...@mail.udp.cl>:

Dear all,
           Yesterday, we had a discussion about ticket #53
from the issue tracker, on the way to calculate the 
SF0 timeout value.
           There is current a proposal to calculate the timeout 
on SF0 between the arrival of the MAC-layer ACK for the
request packet and the arrival of the response packet.
In order to achieve this calculation, the 6P protocol must
signal the arrival of the request ACK packet so as to start
the timer countdown. 
           Using this method, we avoid very long timeouts set
to the max value of the number of TXATTEMPTS and the
maximum backoff value.

SF        |REQUEST|       |timer-----|RESPONSE|
                          ^          6P         |REQUEST|      |         
I would like to know if your thougthts about this idea. 
Thank you.


Profesor Asociado
Escuela de Informática y Telecomunicaciones
Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Diego Portales - Chile
(56 2) 676 8125

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