Dear Yatch,
Thanks for the comments and your interest! 

- L3 seems a better place to implement such a mechanism than L2. L2 has no idea 
whether the packet (frame) under process is going toward the border router nor 
-> In addition to what Pascal pointed out, we aim to minimize the resource 
usage and the impact on the forwarding behavior (especially for critical data). 
For instance, an entry insertion in the L3 may easily lead to 6lowpan 
fragmentation which causes extra packets. But here at L2, we avoid it any means.

- we need two Node IDs, source (sender) Node ID and destination (receiver) Node 
ID, to express a link
-> Maybe, we should consider more packet-oriented. Maybe, it is not harmful if 
we don’t know which link is exactly used for some packets.
-> Or maybe we can already infer the link information from the Node-IDs of the 
following INT entries.

- we may want 64-bit Node ID
-> If you consider INT data (including Node IDs) insertion in every hop towards 
the BBR, 64bit Node-Ids will be too costly. The frames will become full easily 
which will decrease the INT insertion frequency. That is why we considered 
8-bit IDs in the first hand.

- Do you have an implementation of a scheduling algorithm using this proposal? 
I cannot immediately see how useful the default set of data defined in Table 1 
is... Why isn't link PDR listed there...? I may miss something...
-> No we don’t have a scheduling algorithm using this yet. But we implemented 
and validated this mechanism as an efficient monitoring solution that could 
serve to any kind of scheduling mechanism.
->  Maybe our paper ("In-Band Network Telemetry in Industrial WirelessSensor 
Networks") can be useful to see what could be achieved with the given set of 
data. And we totally agree that other metrics could/should be added. 

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 15:17
Cc: Abdulkadir Karaağaç (UGent-imec) <>;
Subject: Re: [6tisch] New Version Notification for 

Hello Yatch : )

> I have comments, some of which Pascal's email covers, though.
> - L3 seems a better place to implement such a mechanism than L2. L2 has no 
> idea whether the packet (frame) under process is going toward the border 
> router nor not. 

True, at L3 we could sign end to end. 

On the other hand it is hard to inject headers on the fly at L3 l, you have to 
do IP in IP. The IE technique avoids that problem.

In non storing all packets reach the root so I guess the proposal has a wide 
domain of applicability.

Take care,

> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 6tisch [] On Behalf Of Pascal 
>> Thubert
>> (pthubert)
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 10:11 PM
>> To: Abdulkadir Karaağaç (UGent-imec) <>; 
>> Subject: Re: [6tisch] New Version Notification for 
>> draft-karaagac-6tisch-int-00.txt
>> Dear authors
>> This draft strikes me as very mature for a 00, and a very useful 
>> piece of work as well.
>> It looks like you have implemented and tried it out already, correct?
>> A few comments and questions:
>> * Since you are using IEs Fig 1 could represent the insertion before 
>> the IPv6 payload.
>> * There could be a Fig describing the typical format of the inserted 
>> IE at the end of 2.2
>> * A discussion on the chances of loss that are augmented as the frame 
>> are enlarged could be useful in the intro
>> * A discussion of the INT header used as a hidden channel could be 
>> useful in the security section
>> * It seems that the data can only be reported on packets that are 
>> going outwards. You may want to indicate that in a classical 
>> non-storing network with the root acting as backbone router, all 
>> packets fly through the 6BBR and can be instrumented.
>> * Because of the Q bit it seems that the INT IE is also used in 
>> packets going
>> down: the source routing header may make it complicated to instrument 
>> such packets. More description on the operation and size of inserted 
>> header in downwards packets could be useful. Maybe we could make the 
>> query a different IE altogether and save the Q bit for the future.
>> * If the telemetry relates to a transmission by a child, then the 
>> node ID is not enough to identify the link since the child has multiple 
>> parents.
>> * Apparently in HbH mode 1 only the first nodes may insert data if 
>> the network is deep and the room limited.
>> * In HbH mode 2, how do we balance the use of the space so that all 
>> hops have an equal chance to report their information? Is that what 2.3.1 is 
>> all about?
>> * In section 2.3
>> ** I believe that if nodes use different strategies some may starve. 
>> Like for the objective function, there should be a single strategy, 
>> that may have to be tuned for the shape of the network.
>> ** in 2.3.1 if all nodes source traffic and not only the deepest 
>> ones, actually the nodes near the root may have more opportunities, 
>> it really depends on the shape of the network.
>> ** in 2.3.2 we seem to assume that only nodes deep in the network 
>> source packets. In reality, say that there can be 3 values stored, 
>> then the number of chances is proportional to the number of children 
>> and grandchildren, and nodes deep in the network may have less of these.
>> ** it could be good that a node that refrains to insert redundant 
>> information may still indicate that already sent information 
>> (sequence) is unchanged. Along that line of thought how do we handle 
>> loss? A same sequence sent several times?
>> * Security section should indicate that the payload IE is modified at 
>> each hop and there is no guarantee that the original information is 
>> preserved
>> Great work!
>> Pascal
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: 6tisch <> On Behalf Of Abdulkadir 
>>> Karaagaç
>>> (UGent-imec)
>>> Sent: mardi 14 janvier 2020 10:43
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [6tisch] FW: New Version Notification for
>>> draft-karaagac-6tisch-int- 00.txt
>>> Dear all,
>>> We have submitted a new draft describing an efficient and timely 
>>> monitoring solution for 6TiSCH Networks. We believe that this 
>>> mechanism can become a very powerful tool for 6TiSCH Networks with 
>>> the contribution of the 6TiSCH community.
>>> All kinds of feedback and comments are very welcome. Thanks a lot!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Abdulkadir
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: <>
>>> Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2020 23:21
>>> To: Jeroen Hoebeke (UGent-imec) <>;
>> Abdulkadir
>>> Karaağaç (UGent-imec) <>
>>> Subject: New Version Notification for 
>>> draft-karaagac-6tisch-int-00.txt
>>> A new version of I-D, draft-karaagac-6tisch-int-00.txt has been 
>>> successfully submitted by Abdulkadir Karaagac and posted to the IETF
>> repository.
>>> Name:        draft-karaagac-6tisch-int
>>> Revision:    00
>>> Title:        In-band Network Telemetry for 6TiSCH Networks
>>> Document date:    2020-01-11
>>> Group:        Individual Submission
>>> Pages:        14
>>> URL:
>>> 00.txt
>>> Status:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Abstract:
>>>   This document describes In-band Network Telemetry for 6TiSCH
>>>   Networks, offering a flexible monitoring solution with minimal
>>>   resource consumption and communication overhead while supporting a
>>>   wide range of monitoring operations and strategies for dealing with
>>>   various network scenarios and use cases.  It enables 6TiSCH networks
>>>   to collect per-packet and per-hop monitoring information by
>>>   piggybacking telemetry information onto the data packets by
>>>   exploiting the remaining space in the IEEE 802.15.4e frames, thus not
>>>   impacting network behavior and performance.  This document also
>>>   discusses the data fields and associated data types for 6TiSCH INT
>>>   mechanism.
>>> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of 
>>> submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at 
>>> The IETF Secretariat
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