Rodolfo Garcia (kix) schrieb:
I'm currently using opera on debian and I luckily can't seem to find
any working flash plugins in the apt repositories. It sometimes sucks
not being able to see some pages, but all in all I also think I am
more productive now. I don't like the flash blocking. It doesn't save
any time, but rather forces you t o click around even more.

You can download the flash player for linux. It has an installer.
The installer copy the .so file in the browser's plugin directory.


Flash is missing in debian because of severe vulnarabilities! See for instance the chapter "Important changes":

   Updated versions of the bcm43xx-fwcutter package will be distributed
   via The package itself will be removed from
   etch with the next update.

   Flashplugin-nonfree has been removed (see below), as this is closed
   source and we don't get security support for it. For security
   reasons, we recommend to immediately remove any version of
   flashplugin-nonfree and any remaining files of the Adobe Flash
   Player. Tested updates will be made available via

Better use an open source player to stay root on your machine yourself. For instance see



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