Pietro Gagliardi schrieb:

People do acknowledge the new free systems. Unfortunately, RMS got them off it in a microsecond when 3e came out:


And I don't believe the Note at the top will change people's minds.

Wikipedia says:
The full source code is freely available under Lucent Public License 1.02, and considered to be open source by the OSI and free software by the FSF (although incompatible with the GNU General Public License). It passes the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

From another mail: "But the world has pretty much forgotten Plan 9 even exists (and lets not even mention Inferno)."...............

I do think, that its not the license, the main problem of plan 9 is the lack of a tutorial for beginners and examples for some applications and at best with some exercises to practice. Well, there is a bulky manual. The collection of papers "Plan 9 — The Documents (Volume 2)" is more readable. But learning from manuals compares to learning a language from a dictionary. There is a need for some more "readable". For example the role of make as an equivalent for cc is not self-evident for a traditional normal OS-user. It is a regret that alef has gone and limbo is not available under Plan 9. (Or is it?) As there is no simple introduction to Plan 9 new users will just go the easy way and get Windows or Linux.


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