> 256 MB of ram fills quite easily when using a fossil+venti
> and when trying new incarnations of upas/fs :),

the manual pages for venti and fossil do spell out
a number of parameters to control memory usage.
but you probablly knew that.

running the fs on the same machine as the cpu server
can be a problem when used heavily.  plan 9 overcommits
physical memory. and fossil or venti may be left holding the bag.

ndb/dns also has an ever-growing footprint.

> i can't even compile some ports of gnu things ☺. 

glad to hear that there is a silver lining. 

> about the unstability, i should disable swap partition to see if that fix 
> something ☺

i find important to comb the kernel panic messages.
running out of kernel memory is fatal.  however,
it could be that you are using very little and can
decrease kernelpercent.

- erik

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