On Thu, Jul 03, 2008 at 07:06:59AM -0400, Russ Cox wrote:
> > The "global" plan9 one (sda1) seem to be the same in both cases, as well
> > as the other sda* ones (linux), but the subpartitions (not sure they're
> > called that way) inside differ. 
> > I suppose the correct one is the plan9 one, i.e 9fat should start at the
> > beginning of the plan9 one (at 63), and not at 0, right? Hence the reason
> > why everything has an offset of 63 inside the plan9 part, I guess.
> > 
> > So, what should I do? Is it a bug in 9vx, or is it something wrong in my
> > partitions that I have to correct?
> Notice that you've lost your data partition
> and you don't have a geometry line.
> That suggests you are running 0.12,
> which does not contain Erik's bug fix.
> If you rebuild 9vx from hg I think things will
> work better.

Indeed, works like a charm with the build from hg. Thanks.


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