
I've downloaded the Plan9 iso from
http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/download.html and tried to test the live
cd. It wasn't really possible, at first the boot manager won't really react
(the trick seems to wait a long time...) and then some error appears.
But since I decided to install it on VMWare on Linux, this doesn't matter so
There in the installation menu (textinst) I select all the default options
and I end up (when doing copydist) with: 
cacheAllocBlock: xxx1 disk is full
and so on...
I also made a test doubling each partition's size (exept for nvram) and I
ended up with some error that told me IIRC that for my large disc FAT16
doesn't work out, so I would have to use FAT32. Trying to increment each
partition lowly (starting from the default size) doesn't help either -
moreover the error can even occur early with larger sizes. BTW the VMWare
image has a size of 800MB (initially the image size was smaller) and the -
default - partition sizes are the following:
9fat 100 MB
nvram 512 Bytes
fossil 200 MB
swap 100 MB
Can anyone help me?


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