Wow. Does memorising codepoints fall under your job description aswell?

No. I looked it up in Microsoft Windows' Character Map. Saw it was below 255. Knew UTF-8 corresponds to ASCII in lower character codes (not sure 7-bit or 8-bit). Figured it could as well be 8-bit ASCII.

 ifconfig: only root can do that
 mount: only root can do that

Funny, but then not funny.

What's the Plan 9 way of solving that? Trusting the user at the terminal? What if the "terminal" is your desktop PC? It isn't diskless and it certainly isn't meant to be a "simple terminal" in a network of a gazillion machines. Oh, I see, you run the equivalent of _four_ interconnected machines (cpu, terminal, some fs, and auth) to achieve that. How very clever. And how's that supposed to be any more secure than authenticating with Kerberos? Or, in case you're at home, a proper access policy?

 cp: /mnt/cell: permission denied

Why "permission denied?" What keeps a wheel from giving a user permissions to /mnt/cell? You know, we live in a brave new world. ACLs were invented long ago.

--On Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:02 PM +0800 sqweek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Eris Discordia
Steve Simon's trademark character, I presume, was generated by [Alt]+0153

 Wow. Does memorising codepoints fall under your job description aswell?

$ curl gopher://
$ ifconfig cellnetif num "555 555 5555"

 ifconfig: only root can do that

$ mount -t motofs /dev/cellnetif /mnt/cell

 mount: only root can do that

$ cp ./ /mnt/cell/

 cp: /mnt/cell: permission denied

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