Maybe similar sessions for 'file server writing' or 'limbo
programming' might be nice for those not familiar with those subjects
(and thanks to 9vx and hosted the required setups would allow people
with non-plan9 laptops to participate).



On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 2:41 AM, Uriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sounds like a really cool idea, maybe somebody with more experience in
> the subject wants to give a short introduction, and then people can
> start to work on their favorite wanted driver (alone or in groups)
> while the 'expert'(s) in charge of the session can answer questions
> and help whoever gets stuck.
> Anyone from the Program Committee wants to comment on this? Richard?
> Peace
> uriel
> P.S.: Maybe to make things easier, it would be helpful to setup a
> public plan9 server people can both drawterm/cpu to and boot from
> their custom kernels for testing purposes, that way even not-fully
> functional laptops could be used for development.
> On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 1:03 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This gets punted around every few months and nothing happens.
>> I've done some basic information-gathering but got no further for the usual
>> reasons,
>> so, in an effort to stimulate some inertia,
>> here's a small suggestion ...
>> Is there anyone out there who's gonna be in Volos and wants to participate
>> in a driver-writing BOF?
>> DaveL
>> On 4 Sep 2008, at 06:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> if linux can use binary blobs, why can't plan9 do it too?
>>> I think the BLOBs are platform specific, but I may be mistaken.  If
>>> I'm right, there's no way that we'd get any momentum to turn this
>>> around.
>>> But your earlier comment is extremely valid, too few people are
>>> working on drivers.  Without wishing to fan Discordia's flames, it is
>>> true that the 9fans community does not seem focused on solving
>>> problems, but rather on the academic value of the ease in which
>>> problems could be solved if one followed the 9 True Ways :-)
>>> That said, how do we mobilise the community to focus on useful
>>> drivers?  I suppose we start with Ron's wish list, then we explore
>>> Russ' partially complete postings (i386 emulation, Centrino drivers,
>>> I'm sure I've forgotten many more) and thirdly we post a list of
>>> willing contributors, possibly split into code writers and advisors.
>>> Any takers?
>>> ++L

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