
few questions:

1) Having a window with rc and pressing CTRL+d usually closes the window.
However, from time to time it does not. Instead, I can see EOT (one
character; diagonally) written after the prompt, the window stays, I can
write anything into the window, but my commands are not executed. When does
this happen?

2) Reading pwd.c I can see 'char pathname[512]' at the beginning of the main
function. Does it mean plan9 paths are thus limited?

3) Why do I have to press END key several times to get to the bottom of a
window (usu when there is a lot of output text from the issued command)?
(The rio maunual says just one press.)

4) What is the sense of
bind 'sth' 'the_same_sth'
? (like 'bind / /' or 'bind /usr/ruda/a /usr/ruda/a')

5) When I do

mkdir a
mntgen a
bind lib a/b
unmount a

all these command finish ok, but I am left with

bind /usr/ruda/lib /usr/ruda/a/b

in the namespace (see the result of the 'ns' command; there you can also
spot that after issueing the 'mntgen' command a line
'bind /usr/ruda/a /usr/ruda/a/' appears; that relates to my 4th question;
this bind is the one removed by the 'unmount' command).
How can I get rid of that then?


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