On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 15:17 +0900, sqweek wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Enrico Weigelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * Steve Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> How about if you start a page with a list of the 9p
> >> file servers you know of, say on the plan9 wiki, and
> >> then email 9fans asking them to add any that you have
> >> missed?
> >
> > If I had write access, I'd just did it ;-o
>  Everyone has write access to the plan 9 wiki.

plan 9 wiki is a very good suggestion. I would like to start
such a topic there. I do have 2 questions though:
   1. It doesn't seem to allow anonymous edits:
   I tried:
   and all I got was:
     Object not found
     The object does not exist on this server.

     errstr: '/bin/ip/httpd/wikipost' does not exist
     uri host: 
     header host: 
     actual host: plan9.bell-labs.com
   Direct edits from my Acme also don't seem to work.

   2. When/if it works what would be the appropriate place
   to stick that topic into?

> > Meanwhile I've just added my 9P libs (libmixp, libmixpsrv)
> > to the 9P page @ wikipedia - probably a good starting point, too.
> >
> > But if we're talking about 9P/Styx in general (not specifically
> > on Plan9 or Inferno), it might be wise to set up a sepate website.
> > This site should also contain information on topics like what 9P
> > is really good for and why application developers should use it :)
> >
> > Just let me know if you'd like to feed some input to such a site,
> > and I'll set up one.
>  http://9p.cat-v.org is halfway there, makes more sense to improve
> that than start a new site. 

Agreed. In fact, halfway is a very accurate description ;-) It already
has http://9p.cat-v.org/implementations, but it still lacks what I 
would call a "servers" page. 

> Get in touch with Uriel if you want something on there that isn't already 
> there,

That would be http://9p.cat-v.org/servers linked from his Left-hand-side
menu. Speaking of getting in touch with Uriel -- is he not subscribed
to this list? ;-) Or well, I'll CC him ;-)

>  or if you want to make
> his life easy you can send a patch to the document source. You can get
> the source by appending .md to the url (eg
> http://9p.cat-v.org/implementations.md or http://9p.cat-v.org/index.md
> ) - they are written in markdown[1] syntax. Also he has something in
> the works to enable editing via http, which I believe is implemented
> but needs testing...

Thanks for the .md suggestion. One thing that I clearly see missing on
the implementations page is the Java implementation done at LSUB.


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