> Ok, i just ran some local  commands from cpu server, and it is ok, i'm
> gonna use the cpu servers only like a compute nodes. From cpu server i
> wanted to see responses , so  i did and got this:
>         cpus# ssh terminal name
>         ssh: dialing terminal name: connection refused
>         cpus# ssh file server name
>         ssh: reading server version: unexpected EOF
> the second error, i got also when i tried either from terminal or file
> server.
> yes, bootes is the cpu server's hostowner,but on terminal i log as
> Armando.
> what do you mean with "configuration error"?where could it be?
> is ssh right to launch a task from terminal?
> thanks again
> Armando

You want to be sitting at a terminal, and start a command on a cpu
server, right?

cpu -h <cpuserver> -c <command> <args>

That will execute the command on the cpu server and leave you at the
terminal prompt when you are done.

I have no idea why you are trying to ssh from your cpu server to your
terminal or to the fileserver.  Forget ssh.  If you have a Plan 9
network, ssh is 100% wrong for you.


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