On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 9:44 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, I know, the problem is vmware :-)
> No, the problem is _not_ vmware.  At least to the extent that vmware
> is just another hardware model.  The only really unfortunate thing
> about vmware is that they are holding a few cards close to their chest
> with a view to making a bit of a profit.  It may not be to one's
> greatest advantage, but it seems legitimate to me and above the of
> criticism levelled in the above.

Wrong: http://open-vm-tools.sourceforge.net/

Now maybe somebody will release the code for the /bin/aux/vm* vmware
tools so we can fix them.


uriel - Not holding his breath.

> ++L
> PS: I'm a contented small time user of vmware's ESX Server 3i.  All
> the products from vmware (not many, I must confess) I have had
> occasion to use and in keeping with impressions gained while
> monitoring dicussions on the Xen developers' mailing list, convince me
> that vmware strive for professionalism, understandably within the
> limits set by the marketplace.  It's my personal opinion that none of
> the equivalent tools available today are in the same league, so I
> can't resist defending what I consider to be the market leader; feel
> free to correct me (privately, preferably).

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